Digital performance monitor on governing body and school level

We use this digital tool to identify risks on governing body and school level. This system contains all kinds of data, including learning outcomes of central tests and exams, developmental progress, enrolment and staffing, complaints and the governing body’s annual report. We analyse the data gleaned from these sources at least once a year. We also consider any signals received from teachers, parents, pupils or other sources. If we see significant risks we carry out a risk based inspection.

The performance monitor also serves as the basis for the four-yearly inspection of the governing body and our sample school inspections.

Digital system monitor

We periodically (this can be for multiple years) choose certain system issues that we want to address at governing body or school level. We monitor these issues digitally. In this tool we can select a certain governing body or school to view to what extent this governing body or school plays a role in this system issue. For example the issue of inequality by systematically advising lower follow-up education levels to pupils of parents who are lower educated.  Or having a large percentage of pupils score lower literacy or numeracy results, compared to peer schools. If this system shows us that the governing body or school may indeed be part of the systemic problem we analyze further and address this in a conversation with the governing body or school. This may lead to a stimulating conversation and an explanation in the inspection report but usually does not lead to judgements, unless the topic is defined in regulation.