
37 documents

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  1. The state of education in the Netherlands 2009/2010

    Every year the Dutch Inspectorate of Education publishes the Annual Education Report on the state of education. This report ...

    Report | 25-07-2011

  2. The State of Education in the Netherlands 2008/2009

    Every year the Dutch Inspectorate of Education publishes the Annual Education Report on the state of education. This report ...

    Report | 04-06-2010

  3. Risk-based Inspection as of 2009

    Primary and secondary education

    Report | 20-05-2010

  4. Onderwijsverslag 2005/2006

    Every year the Dutch Education Inspectorate reports to the Minister of Education, Cultural affairs and Science about the state of ...

    Report | 15-05-2007

  5. Can anyone visit the inspectorate?

    We appreciate your interest in our organisation. However, due to increasing international requests and our limited capacity, we ...

    Frequently asked questions

  6. Can anyone visit a Dutch school?

    This depends on the school. The inspectorate does not facilitate visits to schools. Anyone interested to visit a Dutch school is ...

    Frequently asked questions

  7. Where can I find school reports?

    Examples of Dutch school reports can be found through the  following link. When clicking on this link you will find a box asking ...

    Frequently asked questions