Maybe you are about to find and choose a suitable school for your children or maybe you are a professional in the educational system curious about the quality of schools in comparison to the one you are working at.
Find schools
On the Dutch website of the Inspectorate of Education, you can find primary and secondary schools, schools for special education and higher education in The Netherlands. If there are reports and quality assessments to be found on schools, this is where you will find them outlined per school.
Since the results are published only on the Dutch website, we will explain on this page how to use the website and how to find schools in a particular area.

Find schools
On the top of the website you can fill out a city, town or village in the search box that states after clicking on the looking glass the map will zoom in on all the schools in that area.

Adjusting the filters
On the left of the page you see possibilities to filter your search result (Filters). You can adjust the following filter:
Type school of bestuur
With this filter you can switch between different types of education, you can choose from the following:
- Bestuur (board)
- Primair onderwijs (primary schools)
- Speciaal en voortgezet speciaal basisonderwijs (primary schools, special educationand special needs education)
- Speciaal onderwijs (special needs education)
- Voortgezet onderwijs (secundary school)
- Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (secondary vocational education)
- Hoger onderwijs (higher education)
- Samenwerkingsverband (collaborations)